Why You Should Not Ditch Your Paper Full Year Calendar Yet

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The advancement in technology has led to the consolidation of many traditional items into a small portable device. Notebooks, watches and timers, calendars, planners and reminders are all available in different types of phones. However, contrary to popular belief, this does not imply that you get rid of your wall and desk calendars.

One of the worst effects of technology is the increased digital fatigue which has become a norm for people from all walks of life. This is attributed to the addictive nature of most technological devices that results in extensive time spent on these devices. This can be a great source of stress if it remains unchecked and paper calendars, in all forms and sizes, offer a great reprieve from this. We focus on the benefits of having a full year calendar albeit desk or wall calendars.

Benefits of wall calendars
Wall calendars are legible from far and can therefore be used by your company to advertise the products and services provided. The company can customize the calendars based on the needs of the target audience which means that a company could have different types of calendars if different products target different groups of people.

Wall calendars can also double up as decorative pieces in a space. Normally, calendars can be color coded, have interesting images and can therefore improve the aesthetics of your office or home. Further customization can enhance this.

Wall calendars can also be used to constantly remind you of a specific message- spiritual, political, social or even inspirational. When you see a message several times a day, you tend to subconsciously use it in day to day life. Therefore, calendars can be used to promote social and behavioral change.

Benefits of desk calendars
A desk calendar provides an easy and stress free way of tracking your appointments. If you have sporadic appointments, you may tend to forget some. However, when these are marked on your desk calendar, you will never miss a single appointment.

Ever forgotten to pay a bill? How did it feel to pay the fines and penalties imposed for late payment? Your desk calendar can help you remember when different bills are due every month and therefore prevent extra charges for late payment. This is especially advantageous if you are extremely busy jugging different tasks, jobs or roles in life.

Your desk calendar also offers an opportunity to scribble down some notes. Hand writing triggers some parts of the brain that are not triggered by typing and therefore enhances your mental capacity by improving your memory and creativity.

The benefits of using desk calendars on projects are twofold. First, you can jot down the due dates for different items making it easier to track your project deliverables. Second, the calendars can be used for planning purposes as they make it easier to see the big picture.

You can personalize your calendars to include photographs or images that trigger happy thoughts and memories. You can also customize other aspects of the calendar such as including dates of interest for your family or company, color code different months and even add extra sections such as the footnotes section for your personal use.